Hot Film & Theater How-Tos

How To: Talk like a pirate

Impress your friends and neighbors by learning how to speak with an authentic pirate accent. Also included are pirate grammar and vocabulary. Practice hard enough and you should be ready for September 19th (International Talk Like a Pirate Day)!

How To: Create claymation characters

Go Magazine and CHTV have teamed up to give you insight into the world of claymation. See how to create claymation models and storyboards to use in your own clamations with the help of The Clayman & Associates. A good introduction but you'll need to figure out a lot on your own. Create claymation characters.

How To: Do theater games for kids

In this series of instructional how-to videos, our expert teaches you all about theater games for kids. Get great ideas for introducing theater techniques to children of all ages. Watch a special introduction to theater games from our expert actor. Learn about different acting and theater exercises such as mirror exercises, facial expression exercises, mood games, music games, and prop games. Teach a child how to perform a monologue or a one-sided conversation. Watch as our expert guides you ...

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