Active Film & Theater Posts

How To: Cry on cue

Crying on stage, crying at films, crying at funerals. All can be tricky if you aren't genuinely sad and emotional. Fake crying though could be your answer. Tears can be produced with lots of techniques, from onions, to Stanislavkian theory. Learn how to cry on cue, and you could be earning plenty of brownie points for your display of emotion. Cry on cue.

How To: Use basic composition in a single camera setup

This episode of Take Zer0 discusses the differences between the multi-camera format used in television, and the single-camera setup most often used in film production. Since it's likely that indie filmmakers have access to only one camera, we will explain and offer examples of how to efficiently shoot multiple takes with one camera to convey a single action.

How To: Describe action in a film script

How To Describe Action In A Film Script: This video provides you with the screenwriting basics to getting action down on paper. VideoJug shows you these tips which will send you on your way to Hollywood, so learn how to describe action in a film script with us. Describe action in a film script.

How To: Format dialogue in a film script

How To Format Dialogue In A Film Script: Writing a good script is one thing - but writing a professional-looking script is another. However good your ideas are, you'll never make it to Hollywood unless you master the basics of formatting and laying out your dialogue properly. Watch this VideoJug film for our handy guide to the basics or formatting dialogue in a film script. Format dialogue in a film script.

How To: Find cheap and cool DIY lighting for your film

Continuing on with budget lighting, we explore using Fluorescent and LED lights, along with using available light, bouncing it with a reflector. These setups will work great for interviews, video casting, vlogging, and the likes. These lights use less power and also generate much less heat then big halogen work lights, and the price can't be beat. We also show the benefits of adjusting white balance on your camera, with lots of before and after shots. If you are shooting independent movies, s...

How To: Edit film as a beginner

Peter from Take Zer0 tells you all the little things he knows about how to properly cut your footage together. He'll ramble about stuff like "leading the viewer's eye" and "cut between movement"—principles of movie editing. For some reason, though, Sean keeps interrupting him; and later on, Peter steps outside to look at a lawn gnome.

How To: Storyboard your films

Unless it's a scene with so many punches and kicks and explosions, storyboarding an entire movie or short isn't a requirement. However, it can be of use anyway; especially if your movie calls for seventy different shots that you can't all remember; or if you need a visual reference to hand to your crew.